
What is Sky Broadband Shield? | Sky’s online protection tool

Find out how the service works and other questions answered.

What is Sky Broadband Shield?

Sky Broadband Shield is a tool for Sky Broadband customers that helps keep them safe online, similar to the other online protection software services out there. 

It includes advanced protection that helps to track, identify and prevent malware-infested sites, phishing, and viruses. 

Sky Shield also comes with Safe Search, which is a safety filter designed for families with younger children, filtering out explicit content from Google and Bing search results and not allowing access to flagged sites.

As the account owner, you can set the parameters for the filter, easing or tightening up where you feel necessary to do so. There is also a watershed feature, which works the same as on TV - you can set the times of day when certain sites can be accessed.

What’s great about Sky Shield is that it is available to be used on any device that is connected to your Sky Broadband. This includes phones, tablets, and even game consoles.

Does Sky Broadband Shield slow down your internet?

Sky Broadband Shield does not slow down your internet at all. This is a common misconception with services such as Sky Shield.

While some antivirus software can slow down your internet a little bit, for the most part, these days it is not the case and is hardly noticeable if it does. But Sky Shield isn’t an antivirus, it is an online protection tool.

It works in the background to analyse websites and block any and all websites that fall under the not allowed parameters you set it at.

If your broadband isn’t performing at its best, there are things you can do to boost your broadband speeds. One such method may be getting Sky Broadband Boost. Find info on what that is in our guide: What is Sky Broadband Boost?

Is there a charge for Sky Broadband Shield?

Sky Broadband Shield is only available to Sky Broadband customers and is available to them for free. You do not need to sign up to anything more to access Sky Broadband Shield and no charge is necessary for obtaining or setting up the tool.

Is Sky Broadband Shield any good?

Sky Broadband Shield is a fantastic service that can help you keep your family safe while browsing online and keeps your devices safe from any harmful sites that will affect them.

For the low price of absolutely nothing for Sky Broadband customers, it is a no-brainer for anyone with kids to utilise the service.

Can I speak to someone at Sky about Sky Broadband Shield?

If you have any other queries, require any assistance, or come across an issue with any part of Sky Broadband Shield, you can speak to someone at Sky who will look to assist you.

There are multiple contact numbers for Sky, and it's important you use the right one so you can get the right assistance. For ease, check out our Sky contact numbers guide so you can find the number you would need for anything to do with Sky.

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